Friday, August 14, 2009

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."
Henry David Thoreau

During my high school years I carried and read passages from, Walden (first published as Walden; or, Life in the Woods) by Henry David Thoreau the way some people carry bibles.

As long as I can remember I never fit in with the "in crowd". During high school pep rallies I used to wonder why everyone seemed to be having so much fun. I much preferred the atmosphere of an art studio, where like a duckling that slides into the water effortlessly paddling around, I am in my element.

I'm a funny, old bird who needs to feather her nest until I get it feeling just right. People who know me well lovingly laugh at my need to nest. Creating an environment is very important to me. Barry and Kara say I could be an excellent bag lady. We joke that I am a car camper. In addition to maps, tire gauge, spare tire and emergency road kit, I have a foil emergency thermal sleeping bag as protection against unpredictable lake effect snow storms. There is bottled water, a red plaid car blanket for warmth or impromptu picnics, covered plastic cups and flatware, napkins, Clorox wipes and moist towelettes, three umbrellas to share with my friends, lipstick and shea butter cream...

When I leave the the car my nest transforms into my Blessing Basket Such a signature statement, my basket became a calling card for me at Savannah College of Art & Design. I was told they knew I was somewhere in the area once they saw the presence of my basket. I am a variable Mary Poppins with a basket containing a tea pot & matching cup, variety of teas bags, immersible electric water heater, small scissors, needles & pins in a round red cushion, small sewing project to work on if I have to wait somewhere, and my camera.

Laughing at myself now as I look into my Blessing Basket the present inventory contains; masking tap, a map, a small sketch book & pen, sunglasses, bottled water, 5 daily vitamins, a collapsible umbrella, small container of dark chocolates, orange chewing gum, hand cream ( citrus fragrance preferable), collapsible toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss. Did you know I am fastidious about my teeth being clean?

Yes, I am the one you want to be with when you go camping or traveling around the world. Perpetual MOTHER EARTH, my sister in law Mari Pat & her friend Rita have likened me to Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth and Home. While traveling in Eastern Europe, a fellow traveler was my best friend when she was ill. I have a remedy for just about any problem that arise at an inopportune time. My specialty is making what I have work by creating new uses to solve the dilemma at hand.

Don't tell anyone, but, I have a crush on Henry David Thoreau. Men who are strong, intelligent, independent and resourceful are irresistible to me. Just like Thoreau, I pride myself on returning everything, I borrow or find to the rightful owner, in better condition then when it can into my hands. Just like Thoreau, I feel out of beat with the common crowd. When I see 500 people going in one direction, I will turn about face and take off on my own.

I have been accused of being. "ALL OVER THE PLACE." This is true. I am equally as comfortable wearing velvet or denim. I love to camp as well as travel first class. Sitting on the floor enjoying a plate of fruits, veggies, wine and cheese and a good multi grain bread can be as wonderful as a banquet in a formal ballroom. I thrive on paradox and juxtaposition. Random thoughts whirl around in my head and I love it.

That each day is new with no mistakes in it yet is exciting to me. Sameness and predictability for the rest of my life frightens me; it sounds what death might be like. I am an open for adventure person. Willing to meet new people all the time, willing to strike out on my own sometimes I get knocked off my horse. Never down for long, at those times, I retreat back to my nest wherever that may be. It could be my Blessing Basket, my art studio, my car, or to bask in the glory of my eclectic surroundings in my home.

Lately I have been working on a Convertible Apron as my identity garment. When I put on my apron it is like wearing my thinking cap. Each two sided apron is one of a kind made from cotton fabric I dyed and printed. These hues were inspired by the flowers in my summer garden. Just like a woman who needs to multitask throughout her day, I designed this apron to serve as a functional costume that can be worn over a skirt, dress or slacks. Each apron consists of pockets that can be folded or arranged to accomplish multiple tasks. Can't you just imagine wearing this apron to gather fresh vine ripened tomatoes, basil and lettuce from your garden?

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