Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Yet doe I feare thy Nature, It is too full o' th' Milke of humane kindnesse." from Shakespeare's Macbeth, 1605

"Yet doe I feare thy Nature, It is too full o' th' Milke of humane kindnesse." from Shakespeare's Macbeth     Thanks to each and everyone who has been with me in the virtual waiting room.  Yesterday afternoon I spoke with my doctors office, "The biopsy report returned showing no malignancy in the tissue sample biopsy."  The original 48 hour wait grew uncomfortably long as I waited over the weekend into late Tuesday afternoon. 

My first thought was a rush of relief of course that I do not have cancer. My second thought was for all of the unfortunate people who receive the call giving unwanted news.  My third thought was good now I can still be a blood donor since I am not sick.

 Actually it would have been very difficult to break the news to my body if the call said I did have cancer because I feel GREAT !!!

A small mass of atypical cells was found in both of my breast. Pre surgery testing was done today with a date for surgery on September 28th. In the meantime I will continue to enjoy walking, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, working on my art projects, finishing the tiles in the kitchen makeover back splash and making plans for getting life back to normal after heal from my wounds.  When this is behind me I will continue to pray for others in who need the strength to work with their burdens.
 I am now working on a line of Breast Cancer Awareness  riceraafferty Statement Necklace and Accessories to donate for silent auction fund raiser.

A very good thing that has happened during this adventure in medical care is the numerous caring people I met along this journey.  Complete strangers offered to call me, talk me through the scary parts and lend a hand of encouragement. I am thankful for the mature people I met along this journey.  One delivery man shared his girlfriends journey from feeling fine, having a small lump found followed by a complete mastectomy.  I was moved my the compassion in his face and voice as he shared her journey.

I am still have a few more hurdles to jump with this journey. Being fifty three years old I expect to have different health issues arise in the future. I am stronger as a result of this experience.

 Here is an image of an art object I created in 2009 title ; Dress for the Autumn of my Life.
Notice my Mothers Broach pinned with a chain that holds my embroidery scissors, wooden needle case, needles and key. 

Viking keys meant power for the woman.

"Married women had a very strong position in the Viking Era, and keys helped express this. When a couple was married, the wife was given a set of keys to symbolize her new status – “given to lock and key,” as it was called. The shiny bronze keys hung in full sight on her clothing, along with a small knife or a pair of scissors."

 In times of adversity we are reminded just how strong we can be.  It is exhausting to be strong for along time without other people offering the sweet Milk of Human Kindness.
Thank you all for prayers, love and wishes of goodness sent  my way.  I could never have done this with all of you ;~)

"Remember, thoughts and feelings have physical effects. Open yourself to receiving help, nourishment, and compassion from yourself and others. When you experience events that cause you sorrow, resentment, or pain, allow yourself to quite literally get these feelings off your chest by experiencing your emotions fully, grieving fully, and then letting go so that you can "make a clean breast of it."
Dr. Christiane Northrup

another interesting site about breast health

" Life is precious handle with prayer." unknown

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